Vocal Warm-ups are important to do every time before you start singing.
Everyone needs to warm up before they start singing, this doesn’t mean everyone does, but everyone should. Your vocal chords don’t warm up automatically after you wake up. They’re stiff, like the rest of your body. It’s recommended to warm up before engaging in any activity really, like running and lifting weights. You can just jump into it and start pumping iron, no! The only thing anyone accomplishes by doing that is hurting themselves. I’ve been there, I pulled a muscle jumping right into a kickboxing workout. Ouch, lesson learned.
The same thing happens with your vocal chords. If you don’t warm up properly before attempting something new, you will hurt yourself. This is why it is important to find a good vocal coach that can help you learn your limits and give you the proper workouts to improve your ability. Over time your vocal chords need less warm-up time but it is still important to remember to do it every time, make it fun. It will elongate the health and well being of your voice.
What are good vocal warm-ups?
A good way to warm up is to start with the lower register.
Make sure you can get through all of the notes in that scale before moving on to the next. It is okay to keep repeating the same octave over and over until you feel ready to attempt the following notes.
Do not get discouraged if you can’t seem to nail the notes you’re aiming for, developing new registers takes time. Dedicating time and effort will help you improve any activity you choose.
Don't hurt your voice.
It is very easy to get carried away pushing your limits but you have to remember to be patient. Vocal strain is hard to heal and the more you strain your vocal chords the longer it will take to heal. You run the risk of permanently damaging your vocal chords, and no one wants that. You should look for a good vocal coach that can help you warm up properly, make sure you’re using the right muscles and techniques so you have a smooth road of improvement.
Keep pushing yourself.
Remember that you can develop any range you want. Believe there is no limits. You just have to find the right guidance. Learn something new everyday. Practice it for 5 minutes a day, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, everyday. Consistency is key.